- AWH has more than 300 volunteers each year from all parts of Los Angeles County.
- 70 -100 Middle School, High School and College students complete requirements for graduation credit.
- Volunteers assist in therapy sessions and Special Day activities.
- Eagle Scout projects, Silver Award Girl Scout Projects, Interscholastic Equestrian League, National Charity League, other youth organizations, etc.
- Corporate and Business employees.
- Service organizations, such as Women’s Clubs, Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary, Optimist Club, etc.
- AWH employs diverse populations.
- AWH employs those with limited literacy and skills who would be unable to find work else where.
- AWH employs disabled persons.
- AWH provides on-the-job training for youths 14-21 (Summer Youth) as an alternative to gang and drug involvement.
- AWH provides fieldwork credit for USC School of Occupational Therapy students and Residents from UCLA.
- Students from CSUN, Glendale College, College of the Canyons, and others obtain credit for numerous education classes.
- Teachers regard AWH as a valuable education resource and there is a waiting list for fieldtrips.
- AWH contributes significantly to the community economy through purchases of supplies and services from local businesses small and large, minority and women owned.
- The acquisition of a single developmental milestone through AWH therapy, such as the ability to sit independently, means increased economic opportunity for the child, the family, and a child-care provider. Being able to use childcare allows both parents (if there are two), to seek and obtain employment to provide for their family, as well as provide more work for child caregivers.
- Every developmental gain of a severely disabled child saves taxpayer dollars. Out of home placement for a child with autism is now more than $125,000 a year.
- A youth offered an alternative to gang/drug involvement saves taxpayers over $85,000 a year.
- Behavior and attitude changes. Youth preoccupied with drug and alcohol can see first hand the effects that have caused disability in children and may change their behavior.
- Exposure to disabled children reduces discrimination and engenders respect for the differences in others and more tolerant attitudes develop.
- A homeless man who volunteered at AWH said, with tears in his eyes, “I thought I was so poor I had nothing to give—I now know how rich I am.”
- Today’s privileged youth and adults can come and volunteer and realize that there are more important things than money, cell phones and cars. There are many joys that can be seen in a smile on a child’s face.
- Today’s youth are the legislators and policy makers of tomorrow– The future is in their hands. And that is the most profound benefit that the community can realize.
If you are interested in having a representative come to talk about AHEAD With Horses to your Organization, Club or School:
Please call (818) 767 – 6373 to schedule a Speaker.