The Hollywood Charity Horse Show has been a HUGE supporter of AHEAD With Horses since it’s creation 25 years ago. William Shatner has put together this amazing charity event, along with his wife Elizabeth, to benefit a lot of great charities that work with children and veterans, including AHEAD With Horses.
If you would like to help support all of these charities, consider purchasing ad space in the upcoming program. You can advertise your business, Congratulate Mr. Shatner on all his many years of success, or say Thank You for all the support he has given to AWH and allowed us to continue to serve so many deserving children.
If you do make a purchase of ad space (which is considered a donation and tax deductible), please make sure to note that you are a friend of AHEAD With Horses when you make the purchase. (It does not have to be in what you write in the ad.)
Thank You!