Fun Day Committee: We want You!!!

We hope that everyone had a wonderful time at the Children’s Annual Demonstration and Fun Day. We saw lots of smiles, heard lots of laughter amongst the music, and everyone enjoyed the great edible treats.

It takes a lot of work and planning to make Fun Day a success! We thank all who helped out this year, and all of the past years. Now we are starting to look for people that can help us make next year even better! (You can never start planning too early.)

We are hoping to find some people who are interested in taking over and perhaps re-inventing our game booths. We are also looking for volunteers to help us find more items for our Silent Auction, or more ways to get other items (like the food) donated.

If you have a good imagination and want to put some time and effort into a worthy cause, we would love to hear from you!!!

Please call the office at (818) 767 – 6373.


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